
Thursday, April 7, 2016

NaPoWriMo Day 7: Word Games


The trees are stretching arms above the road
These too-familiar turnings let me dream
Adrift in thoughts that never make a sound

Above glass beach I hear the Puget Sound
The crashing waves that once were called whale’s road
And wonder if a fish can ever dream

From autumn wind, the sky becomes a dream
While naked branches dance, mad with the sound
Of raindrops pelting gently on the road

In dream, I run along the road—with silent steps that never leave a sound.

This one was, surprisingly, not as difficult as I'd anticipated. It's a variation on the sestina, a tritina, which uses a set of repeating words and usually iambic pentameter. Apparently all I write about these days is my hometown, the good old Northwest US of A. Plus, it gave me a chance to be sneaky about my 3rd word. :3

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