
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

NaPoWriMo Day 5: Unwanted Proposals

Go On, Just Ask

“What if I…”
His hand, so much larger than mine—so much
Everything about him was more

A too-hot day, a jewelry stand
Beetle-bright threadbare velvet and
a nondescript ring
we cared about for different reasons

“If I…”
Even in memory, I am
Thinking I was a candle
and him a flame

Such violent calm
that moved
a bit of silver and tarnish
from safe ring finger
to danger

There, in that moment, I knew

In that moment
I saw a road

I saw

The chapters
delineate like bars

Tears came only
to wash my eyes

“Will you…”
Words hung out to dry
and I
left them

I had never learned
how to fold

Not sure if this works it is! Writing was a struggle and a half today, since I'm exhausted and doped up on allergy medicine. Hurray?

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